

Cross-linked Polyethylene Foam

Chemically Cross-linked Polyethyletne Foam (XPE) is produced by combining chemical cross-linking agent with polyethylene resin, through an extrusion process. Then heat is applied in the foaming process, the cross linking agent reacts and chemically ties the foam's cellular chains together in a strong, cross-linked carbon bond creating a solid unified mass.

68D7AC68 84C2 4474 B37D 75A2402F617F

XPE Foam Rolls

Our XPE foam is produced in continuous rolls resulting in a foam product with uniform, closed cells and smooth skins on both sides. The width of the roll we can produce is 1 meter up to 2 meters. The minimum thickness we can extrude is 3mm, anything thinner can still be made thru skiving, while thickest foam we can extrude is 25mm. The densities we can produce can range from 22 to 100 kg/m3.

2F77E517 EDCE 4111 B159 CD1D805C22BB